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Wellness Tips for the Holidays

It’s officially the holidays. For many, the “most wonderful time of year” feels more hectic than happy and less manageable than magical. With non-stop events from Thanksgiving to New Year, inevitable family drama, last-minute shopping stress and the looming angst of the coming year, it can be easy to forget about things like self-care — and it can be a recipe for holiday burnout. 

Staying healthy in this season of stress takes preparation. Here are some of our favorite tips and tools for prioritizing your mental and physical well-being throughout the holidays, all available at Kolletciv. 

Don’t forget to sleep. Let’s face it, nothing goes well when we are sleep-deprived — and sleep is often the first thing to go during a busy holiday season. We recommend cultivating a sense of calm 30 minutes before bedtime by turning off your devices, pouring a soothing cup of Plant People’s NightLight Mushroom Cacao Mix and treating yourself to a mineral-rich and detoxifying Lavendar and clay mudbath from Pursoma

Stay Hydrated. ‘Tis the season for the hangover. If you’ve been hitting up the open bar at all those holiday parties (we won’t judge), chances are you are no stranger to waking up with a nasty hangover.  If you forgot to drink a glass of water for every cocktail to counter the alcohol’s dehydrating effects, our favorite hangover cure is IV Therapy.  IV vіtаmіn infusions are a great way to rehydrate, detox, and recover from the night before.  Don’t have time to sit for an IV drip? The Good Patch, Rescue Party Pack will help you bounce right back.

Ditch the Diet Talk. The holidays come around once a year, so enjoy them! After all, a healthy lifestyle is all about balance and moderation. Did you overindulge at the cookie swap? Drink too much eggnog? We recommend two products from wthnindulgence relief and daily digestion to soothe  upset stomachs, aid digestion, and “undo the overdo.” 

It’s ok to say No. It’s easy to overcommit yourself during the holidays–and let’s be honest, no matter how hard you try, you can’t do it all. Plus, it’s exhausting! So we are here to remind you that it’s okay to say no to things you don’t want to do (like things that stress you out, don’t make you happy, or take up too much of your time.). Besides, when you say no to one thing, you are making room to say YES to something else–like a little YOU time.  Nothing says self-care like treating yourself to a pre-holiday facial and massage at Kollectiv. And if saying no stirs up feelings of guilt, we recommend reading Mark Manson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life,” and that will change the way you think about saying no.

Here’s to a happy (and healthy) Holiday!

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