The ancient wisdom of cold therapy has been used for centuries. Exposing the body to extreme cold for short periods of time increases circulation to reduce inflammation and pain. It boosts the immune system, helping you heal faster while tightening your skin and toning your muscles.
Facials are particularly geared towards boosting collagen, reducing fine lines and under-eye circles, promoting eyelash growth, and creating a healthy glow. Local or full-body treatments are most effective on sore or injured muscles and joints.
What's the difference between a Cryofacial and Cryoskin Facial?
Cryoskin Facials and Cryofacials both use cold exposure but they are actually quite different.
Cryofacials: Using cold therapy, this quick and convenient treatment provides an instant blast of (vaporized nitrogen) freshness and rejuvenation, resulting in a radiant complexion and healthy glow.
Cryoskin Facials: A natural, non-surgical, and non-invasive facelift that uses precise cold temperatures to stimulate collagen production, increase blood flow and oxygen to the skin, tighten pores and reduce signs of aging, wrinkles, and dark circles under the eyes.