21 East 1st Street, New York +1 212-228-5909

Cryoskin vs. Cryotherapy (what’s the difference?)

Cryoskin and Cryotherapy treatments both use cold exposure but they are very different. 

So what’s the difference? 

Cryoskin is applied to specific areas of the body to burn fat cells, increase collagen production, reduce cellulite and improve the overall appearance of the skin. There are three main types of Cryoskin: 

  • CryoSlimming uses a pain-free and non-invasive application of alternating hot and freezing temperatures to destroy unwanted fat cells –and helps you lose inches! CryoSlimming can be done once every 14 days to allow for the destroyed cells to pass naturally through your body’s lymphatic system.
  • CryoToning is a non-invasive procedure that uses freezing temperatures to smooth, lift, tone, and tighten skin, eliminate cellulite and improve the skin’s overall texture and appearance. These sub-zero temperatures help boost the production of collagen, reduce inflammation and increase the skin’s elasticity, all of which help reduce signs of aging. 
  • Cryoskin Facials are a natural, fast-acting and non-invasive way to look younger, contoured and more radiant. This non-surgical facelift uses cold temperatures to stimulate collagen production, increase blood flow and oxygen to the skin, tighten pores and reduce signs of aging, wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

Cryotherapy, on the other hand, has a broader spectrum of effects and focuses on the whole body.  During a session, the body is exposed to extreme cold for a short period of time to increase circulation, reduce inflammation and pain, and tighten the skin. 


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Or Schedule a Cryotherapy session here.

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