21 East 1st Street, New York +1 212-228-5909

Ajna Light Therapy

The Ajna Light is light therapy that helps you experience a deep state of meditation with little effort. This therapy uses a pulsing white light over your third eye, which stimulates the pineal gland, producing visuals of kaleidoscopes of colors and patterns. Ajna light brings you into a deeper state of meditation and unlocks the creative centers of your brain. The light also may produce altered states of consciousness. Each Ajna Light journey is different, as it reflects the user's own consciousness, which is always changing.


$55 – 20 Min Ajna
$95 – 60 Min Ajna
$49 – 20 minute add-on to any service
$89 – 60 minute add-on to any service

Contact us

    21 East 1st Street, New York
    +1 212-228-5909
    +1 (646) 599-0867

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